
Students come to the Cornell Baker Program in Real Estate to gain the skills they need to have a successful real estate career. They leave with in-depth, specialized knowledge, real-world experience, and a network and connections that last a lifetime.

Baker Program graduates achieve more than just success—they become thought leaders who influence the future of the industry.

Beginning with your matriculation in the Baker Program, and throughout your time at Cornell—including your internship and full-time employment job searches—you have access to the people and resources you need to reach your CRE professional goals. Our team provides guidance as you work to identify and secure your next real estate career move—take advantage of insights from the career management staff, your alumni mentors, and faculty advisors.


graduates who obtained full-time employment

Earning a degree from Cornell’s Baker Program in Real Estate is more than an elite education in commercial real estate – it’s your ticket to a better career. See how our Master of Professional Studies in Real Estate (MPS-RE) graduates are positioned to lead.


Some students seek full-time employment at the company where they interned; others broaden their search and use the extensive Cornell network to find a commercial real estate position in the United States or internationally.