Baker Program in Real Estate Application Guide

The application will be available by mid-September via the Cornell Graduate School’s online application system. All required materials must be received in order for your application to be reviewed and considered for admission. You may track the status of your application materials through your application portal.

Application Deadlines

Plan to apply early. International applicants are encouraged to apply during one of the first three rounds.

  • Round 1 December 1
  • Round 2 January 15
  • Round 3 March 1
  • Round 4 April 15

Application Fee Waiver

An application fee waiver may be requested for the R1 deadline if you meet the following criteria:

    • You submit your complete application prior to the round one deadline
    • You are a current or former United States military member
    • You are a current Cornell student or a recent Cornell alum and have graduated within two years of your application date

Email real_estate@cornell.eduwhen your application is complete and ready to submit for a fee waiver code. In your message, please include your full name and what above eligibility requirement you meet.

What We Value

Diverse, passionate, and driven

Cornell Baker Program in Real Estate students are as diverse as the specialties they choose to pursue. The ability to bring leadership to the industry and make a unique contribution to the community at Cornell are factors that are often emphasized over direct experience, GPAs, and GMAT scores. Characteristics that the selection committee looks for include:

  • A passion for real estate and its related fields
  • Creativity and an intellectual spark
  • The ability to positively contribute to diverse teams
  • Leadership in an academic, work, or community setting
  • Direct or indirect real estate experience or exposure

Baker Program students demonstrate the variety of interests, backgrounds, and geographies that constitute a diverse and compelling cohort for your studies.

Application Checklist

Join the Baker Program in Real Estate